Tips For Planting Bulbs That Bloom In Spring 
Tips For Planting Bulbs That Bloom In Spring 

Tips For Planting Bulbs That Bloom In Spring 

Planting Bulbs That Bloom In Spring  -Prepare the soil. Bulbs do best in well-drained soil, so if your yard has heavy clay or poor drainage, consider amending the soil with some compost or sand. -Plant at the right depth. The general rule of thumb is to plant bulbs two to three times as deep as they are tall. Therefore, you should plant a bulb four to six inches deep if it is two inches tall. -Water well. After planting, water your bulbs…


15 Beautiful Tulip Planting Ideas For Your Backyard

Tulip Planting Ideas For Your Backyard Tulips are one of the most popular spring flowers, and for good reason - they come in a wide range of colors, they're relatively easy to take care of, and they make for a beautiful addition to any backyard. If you're looking for some inspiration on how to plant your own tulips this year, check out this article for 15 different ideas! Image by Anelka from Pixabay Tulip Planting Tips Tulips are a beautiful addition to…